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90 or 180, wind-down and legacy: Iran, 8 May and the JCPOA

Introduction   On 8 May 2018 President Trump announced US withdrawal from the JCPOA and phased reintroduction of the US nuclear-related sanctions removed by that agreement.   Amid the major geopolitical upheaval, commercial parties must concentrate on acting advisedly on any Iran-related business, and this brief note offers some initial guidance.     First of all   Many will have contracts with Iran and Iranian entities, and the measures ...
Category: News

War - Whether, Where and What?

This article looks at one particular charterparty and also sale contract provision in a volatile and changing world. Events during only the last few days show that potentially serious conflict is seldom far away, and one type of clause might need review. Introduction Many fixtures and other contracts contain what are often largely standard ...
Category: News

What if there is no voyage?

Voyage charterparties often involve claims for demurrage, detention, deviation and other additional transit or port expenses. Disputes can arise under fixture wording set amid what has happened, but most such things are largely routine for the parties’ commercial analysts. Sometimes however the fixture is simply not performed, resulting in a damages claim when, for example, Charterers release the vessel because they ...
Category: News

Sanctions following the Salisbury incident?

We write to outline this firm's relevant expertise on matters that may now arise. There has been much media speculation, but the nature and extent of the UK Government's next action still remain to be seen. However, as well as perhaps measures at the diplomatic level, it is reasonable to anticipate travel bans, visa restrictions and the freezing ...
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